Dharma study group: Four Noble Truths & Noble Eightfold Path

July 26, 2026 @ 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Fellowship In Prayer & Zoom (email info@princetoninsightmeditation.org for details)
291 Witherspoon Street
NJ 08540

Note: This group now meets both in person and online via Zoom. Email info@princetoninsightmeditation.org for Zoom meeting details.

Those familiar with the Buddhist tradition will be aware that The Four Noble Truths and The Noble Eightfold Path are considered fundamental to the study and practice of Buddhism. They are common to all Buddhist schools.

There are two key aspects to this course. One is that we directly study selected suttas from the Nikayas of the Pali canon; in other words, we learn about the Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path directly from the Buddha himself, or in some cases from his closest disciples. The other is the emphasis on practice. Our goal is not just learning the eight factors of the path but to walk the path in our lived experience.

We expect that the entire course will take more than a year as we study multiple suttas selected from the Nikayas of the Pali canon. While those with a serious commitment are welcome to join us for the entire journey, you can also join for those suttas that are of specific interest to you.

The suttas have been selected based largely on the suttas listed by Bhikku Bodhi in his books, “In the Buddha’s Words” and “Reading the Buddha’s Discourses in Pali” and on those in Andrew Olendzki’s Integrated Dharma Program.

Each course session will include reading the discourses; exploring the text in detail; doing practical meditations and exercises; and group discussions. All necessary course materials will be provided. 

Princeton Insight Meditation is offering this course free of charge. It is suitable for all levels of meditators including beginners. Drop-ins are welcome.

For more information, visit the Dharma Study Group home page, or e-mail study@PrincetonInsightMeditation.org